Highlights from I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

Cover of I Will Teach You to Be Rich

It was my first book on the topic of personal finance. I am entirely new to managing money, so I thought it would be a good idea to gain some knowledge before trying anything crazy. I must say, this book has not disappointed me. I do not know, how other personal-finance books are written, but from my point of view, I learned a lot by reading this book. I have already implemented some of the ideas mentioned in this book.

One of the best things that I learned from this book is to automate everything. As a Computer Engineer, it is easily relatable. The author says that if you enable automatic transfers to transfer money from your checking account to different accounts, then you will not look at the money, and hence you will not have the urge to spend the money. A psychological win, isn't it?

The author argues in favor of passive investment - the buy and hold strategy. One of the main takeaways from this book was just to get started. The author shows that it is better to do something 85% right than to wait for a long time to gain perfection. Especially in the case of investing, time matters a lot.

Before reading this book, I knew only about Mutual Funds (that's the only thing that is being advertised nowadays), however, now I know that Index Funds are a better deal and give almost similar returns in comparison of Mutual Funds while keeping the expense ratios very low.

Most of the content in the book is US specific, so I would not be able to apply the techniques from this book as it is, however, the financial literacy that I gained from this book is still valuable.

  • People love to argue minor points, partially because they feel it absolves them from actually having to do anything.

    LOCATION 143-144 Link to 143-144
  • …decision paralysis, a fancy way of saying that with too much information, we do nothing.

    LOCATION 160-160 Link to 160-160
  • The single most important thing you can do to be rich is to start early.

    LOCATION 170-171 Link to 170-171

    LOCATION 210-211 Link to 210-211
  • I encourage you to set your goals today. Why do you want to be rich? What do you want to do with your wealth?

    LOCATION 276-277 Link to 276-277
  • …when individual investors talk about complicated concepts like this, it’s like two elementary school tennis players arguing about the string tension of their racquets. Sure, it might matter a little, but they’d be much better tennis players if they just went outside and hit some balls for a few hours each day.

    LOCATION 281-283 Link to 281-283
  • …establishing good credit is the first step in building an infrastructure for getting rich.

    LOCATION 330-330 Link to 330-330
  • Credit has a far greater impact on your finances than saving a few dollars a day on a cup of coffee.

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  • There are two main components to credit (also known as your credit history): the credit report and the credit score.

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  • Your credit report gives potential lenders—the people who are considering lending you money for a car or home—basic information about you, your accounts, and your payment history. In general, it tracks all credit-related activities, although recent activities are given higher weight.

    LOCATION 340-342 Link to 340-342
  • Your credit score (often called your FICO score because it was created by the Fair Isaac Corporation) is a single, easy-to-read number between 300 and 850 that represents your credit risk to lenders. It’s like Cliff’s Notes for the credit industry. The lenders take this number (higher is better) and, with a few other pieces of information, such as your salary and age, decide if they’ll lend you money for credit like a credit card, mortgage, or car loan. They’ll charge you more or less for the loan, depending on the score, which signifies how risky you are.

    LOCATION 343-346 Link to 343-346
  • …rich people plan before they need to plan.

    LOCATION 357-358 Link to 357-358
  • If you’re getting a rewards card, find one that gives you something you value.

    LOCATION 431-431 Link to 431-431
  • Pay off your credit card regularly.

    LOCATION 445-445 Link to 445-445
  • If you miss even one payment on your credit card, here are four terrible, horrible, no good, very bad results you may face: 1. Your credit score can drop more than 100 points, which would add $240/month to an average thirty-year fixed-mortgage loan. 2. Your APR can go up to 30 percent. 3. You’ll be charged a late fee, usually around $35. 4. Your late payment can trigger rate increases on your other credit cards as well, even if you’ve never been late on them. (I find this fact amazing.)

    LOCATION 453-458 Link to 453-458
  • Most people should switch from a for-fee card to a free card, so ask your credit card company what they’ll do for you. If they waive your fees, great! If not, switch to a no-fee credit card. I suggest you do this at the same credit card company to simplify your life—and so you don’t have to close one account and open another, which will affect your credit score. If you decide to close the account and get a new credit card, look for one with no fees and good rewards

    LOCATION 500-503 Link to 500-503
  • Your APR, or annual percentage rate, is the interest rate your credit card company charges you. The average APR is 14 percent, which makes it extremely expensive if you carry a balance on your card. Put another way, since you can make an average of about 8 percent in the stock market, your credit card is getting a great deal by lending you money. If you could get a 14 percent return, you’d be thrilled—you want to avoid the black hole of credit card interest payments so you can earn money, not give it to the credit card companies.

    LOCATION 504-508 Link to 504-508
  • If you have a credit card, keep it active using an automatic payment at least once every three months.

    LOCATION 520-521 Link to 520-521
  • …credit utilization rate, which is simply how much you owe divided by your available credit. This makes up 30 percent of your credit score.

    LOCATION 529-530 Link to 529-530
  • Lower is preferred because lenders don’t want you regularly spending all the money you have available through credit—it’s too likely that you’ll default and not pay them anything.

    LOCATION 532-533 Link to 532-533
  • Always Track Your Calls to Financial Companies

    LOCATION 533-534 Link to 533-534
  • …the best ways to improve your chances of getting fees waived is by keeping track of every time you call your financial institutions, including credit card companies, banks, and investment companies.

    LOCATION 535-537 Link to 535-537
  • To improve your credit utilization rate, you have two choices: Stop carrying so much debt on your credit cards (even if you pay it off each month) or increase your total available credit. Because we’ve already established that if you’re doing this, you’re debt-free, all that remains for you to do is to increase your available credit.

    LOCATION 555-557 Link to 555-557
  • People with zero debt get a free pass. If you have no debt, close as many accounts as you want. It won’t affect your credit utilization score.

    LOCATION 622-623 Link to 622-623
  • Manage debt to avoid damaging your credit score.

    LOCATION 623-624 Link to 623-624
  • If you’re applying for a major loan—for a car, home, or education—don’t close any accounts within six months of filing the loan application. You want as much credit as possible when you apply.

    LOCATION 628-630 Link to 628-630
  • Focus on the big wins if you want bigger results.

    LOCATION 642-642 Link to 642-642
  • Avoid getting sucked in by “Apply Now and Save 10 Percent in Just Five Minutes!” offers.

    LOCATION 648-649 Link to 648-649
  • Focus on the big wins to get the big results. They may not be as obvious or sexy as jumping from account to account and getting a few extra bucks, but the big wins will make you rich over the long term.

    LOCATION 667-668 Link to 667-668
  • Don’t make the mistake of paying for your friends with your credit card and keeping the cash—and then spending it all.

    LOCATION 669-670 Link to 669-670
  • …the number one mistake people make with their credit cards is carrying a balance, or not paying it off every month.

    LOCATION 727-728 Link to 727-728
  • Managing your money has to be a priority if you ever want to be in a better situation than you are today.

    LOCATION 748-748 Link to 748-748
  • “deadbeat,” a curious nickname they actually use for customers who pay on time every month and therefore produce virtually no revenue.

    LOCATION 760-761 Link to 760-761
  • Figure out how much debt you have.

    LOCATION 773-774 Link to 773-774
  • Decide where the money to pay off your credit cards will come from.

    LOCATION 810-810 Link to 810-810
  • It’s fine to use credit cards as tools for convenient spending and to rack up “bonus points,” as long as you’re aware of the possibility you are subtly spending more due to the ease of use.

    LOCATION 823-824 Link to 823-824
  • The most important practical difference between checking accounts and savings accounts is that you withdraw money regularly from your checking account—but you rarely withdraw from your savings account (or at least that’s the way it should be). Checking accounts are built for frequent withdrawals: They have debit cards and ATMs for your convenience. But your savings account is really a “goals” account, where every dollar is assigned to a specific item you’re saving up for.

    LOCATION 986-990 Link to 986-990
  • There is one downside to having an online savings account: It can take a few business days to access your money. Typically, if you want to withdraw your money, you’ll log in to your online savings account, initiate a free transfer to your checking account, and then wait three to five days for it to happen. If you need your money immediately, this could cause a problem—but then again, you shouldn’t be withdrawing very frequently from your savings account, so most likely

    LOCATION 994-998 Link to 994-998
  • For consumer protection, I pay my bills using my credit card. The credit card is automatically paid in full every month by my online checking account.

    LOCATION 1017-1018 Link to 1017-1018
  • …it’s not just about your immediate earnings—being young is about developing the right habits.

    LOCATION 1021-1022 Link to 1021-1022
  • Start small now so that when you do have a lot of money, you’ll know what to do with it.

    LOCATION 1023-1024 Link to 1023-1024
  • …half my friends are afraid of talking to people on the phone and it ends up costing them lots of money. I have a friend who recently lost his bank password and, for security reasons, had to call the bank to prove who he was. He turned into a Stockholm Syndrome victim in front of my eyes, muttering, “It’s not that important. I’ll just wait until I go into the bank” over and over. He didn’t get his password for four months! What the hell is wrong with people? You may not like to talk on the phone, but most of the special deals I’ll show you how to get require talking to someone in person or on the phone. So suck it up.

    LOCATION 1150-1154 Link to 1150-1154
  • Leave one and a half months of living expenses in your checking account, or as close to it as you can manage.

    LOCATION 1240-1241 Link to 1240-1241
  • “Compounding,” Albert Einstein said, “is mankind’s greatest invention because it allows for the reliable, systematic accumulation of wealth.”

    LOCATION 1259-1260 Link to 1259-1260
  • “buy low, sell high,”

    LOCATION 1282-1282 Link to 1282-1282
  • Don’t get fooled by smooth-talking salespeople: You can easily manage your investment account by yourself.

    LOCATION 1518-1519 Link to 1518-1519
  • “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

    LOCATION 1535-1536 Link to 1535-1536
  • If you decide that spending $2.50 on Cokes when you eat out isn’t worth it—and you’d rather save that $15 each week for a movie—that’s not cheap. That’s using frugality to drive conscious spending.

    LOCATION 1642-1643 Link to 1642-1643

    LOCATION 1655-1656 Link to 1655-1656
  • …frugality is not about simply cutting your spending on various things. It’s about making your own decisions about what’s important enough to spend a lot on, and what’s not, rather than blindly spending on everything.

    LOCATION 1669-1671 Link to 1669-1671
  • …it’s fun to judge your friends, keep in mind that the context matters.

    LOCATION 1708-1709 Link to 1708-1709
  • A Conscious Spending Plan involves four major buckets where your money will go: Fixed Costs, Investments, Savings, and Guilt-free Spending Money.

    LOCATION 1789-1790 Link to 1789-1790
  • …good rule of thumb is to save 5 to 10 percent of your take-home pay to meet your goals.

    LOCATION 1853-1854 Link to 1853-1854
  • Once you list your goals and start making those trade-offs, you’ll realize that saving money becomes far easier.

    LOCATION 1954-1955 Link to 1954-1955
  • Add a savings goal of three months of bare-bones income before you do any investing. For example, if you need at least $1,500/month to live on, you’ll need to have $4,500 in a savings buffer, which you can use to smooth out months where you don’t generate much income. The buffer should exist as a sub-account in your savings account. To fund it, use money from two places: First, forget about investing while you’re setting up the buffer, and instead take any money you would have invested and send it to your savings account. Second, in good months, any extra dollar you make should go into your buffer savings.

    LOCATION 2401-2405 Link to 2401-2405
  • More information is not always good, especially when it’s not actionable and causes you to make errors in your investing.

    LOCATION 2481-2482 Link to 2481-2482
  • …the best time to make money is when everyone else is getting out of the market.

    LOCATION 2767-2767 Link to 2767-2767
  • …investors should “be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.”

    LOCATION 2773-2774 Link to 2773-2774
  • …more than 90 percent of your portfolio’s volatility is a result of your asset allocation.

    LOCATION 2801-2802 Link to 2801-2802
  • Asset allocation is your plan for investing, the way you organize the investments in your portfolio between stocks, bonds, and cash. In other words, by diversifying your investments across different asset classes (like stocks and bonds, or, better yet, stock funds and bond funds), you could control the risk in your portfolio—and therefore control how much money, on average, you’d lose due to volatility.

    LOCATION 2803-2805 Link to 2803-2805
  • …asset allocation is the most significant part of your portfolio that you can control.

    LOCATION 2808-2808 Link to 2808-2808
  • Your investment plan is more important than your actual investments.

    LOCATION 2809-2809 Link to 2809-2809
  • …individual investors like you and me should not invest in individual stocks. Instead, we’ll choose funds, which are collections of stocks (and sometimes, for diversification, bonds).

    LOCATION 2841-2843 Link to 2841-2843
  • The advantages of bonds are that you can choose the term, or length of time, you want the loan to last (two years, five years, ten years, and so on), and you know exactly how much you’ll get when they “mature” or pay out.

    LOCATION 2847-2849 Link to 2847-2849
  • It is important to diversify within stocks, but it’s even more important to allocate across the different asset classes—like stocks and bonds. Investing in only one category is dangerous over the long term.

    LOCATION 2875-2876 Link to 2875-2876
  • Diversification is D for going deep into a category (for example, buying different types of stocks: large-cap, small-cap, international, and so on), and asset allocation is A for going across all categories (for example, stocks and bonds).

    LOCATION 2877-2879 Link to 2877-2879
  • …bonds will generally perform better when stocks fall, bonds lower your risk a lot while limiting your returns only a little.

    LOCATION 2900-2901 Link to 2900-2901
  • Bonds aren’t really for young people in their twenties. If you’re in your twenties or early thirties, and you don’t necessarily need to reduce your risk, you can simply invest in all-stock funds and let time mitigate any risk. But in your thirties and older, you’ll want to begin balancing your portfolio with bonds to reduce risk. What if stocks as a whole don’t perform well for a long time? That’s when you need to own other asset classes—to offset the bad times.

    LOCATION 2902-2905 Link to 2902-2905
  • …there are many types of stocks, and we need to own a little of all of them. Same with bonds. This is called diversifying, and it essentially means digging in to each asset class—stocks and bonds—and investing in all their subcategories.

    LOCATION 2907-2909 Link to 2907-2909
  • The fact that performance varies so much in each asset class means two things: First, if you’re trying to make a quick buck off investing, you’ll usually lose money because you have no idea what will happen in the near future. Anyone who tells you they do is a fool or a commission-based salesman. Second, you should own different categories of stocks (and maybe bonds) to balance out your portfolio. You don’t want to own only U.S. small-cap stocks, for example, or funds that own only small-cap stocks. If they didn’t perform well for ten years, that would really suck. If, however, you own small-cap stocks, plus large-cap stocks, plus international stocks, and more, you’re effectively insured against any one area dragging you down. So, if you were to invest in stocks, you’d want to diversify, buying all different types of stocks or stock funds to have a balanced portfolio.

    LOCATION 2924-2930 Link to 2924-2930
  • …if you’re twenty-five and just starting out, your biggest danger isn’t having a portfolio that’s too risky. It’s being lazy and overwhelmed and not doing any investing at all. That’s why it’s important to understand the basics but not get too wrapped up in all the variables and choices.

    LOCATION 2933-2935 Link to 2933-2935
  • …most people who try to manage their own portfolios fail at even matching the market. They fail because they sell at the first sign of trouble, or because they buy and sell too often, thereby diminishing their returns with taxes and trading fees. (Think of all the people who sold off their 401(k)s in late 2008, not really understanding that there were bargains to be had by simply continuing their consistent investing. It was fear—not strategy.) The result is tens of thousands of dollars lost over a lifetime. Plus, if you buy individual index funds, you’ll have to rebalance every year to make sure your asset allocation is still what you want it to be (more on this in a minute). Lifecycle funds do this for you, so if you just want an easy way to invest, use one.

    LOCATION 3149-3155 Link to 3149-3155

    LOCATION 3155-3156 Link to 3155-3156
  • …when you look for various funds, make sure you’re being strategic about your domestic equities, international equities, bonds, and all the rest. You cannot just pick random funds and expect to have a balanced asset allocation.

    LOCATION 3208-3209 Link to 3208-3209
  • …dollar-cost averaging is a fancy phrase that refers to investing regular amounts over time, rather than investing all your money into a fund at once.

    LOCATION 3217-3218 Link to 3217-3218
  • By investing over time, you hedge against any drops in the price—and if your fund does drop, you’ll pick up shares at a discount price. In other words, by investing over a regular period of time, you don’t try to time the market. Instead, you use time to your advantage.

    LOCATION 3223-3225 Link to 3223-3225
  • Creating your own portfolio takes significant research.

    LOCATION 3230-3230 Link to 3230-3230
  • In your twenties and thirties, there are only three reasons to sell your investments: You need the money for an emergency, you made a terrible investment and it’s consistently underperforming the market, or you’ve achieved your specific goal for investing.

    LOCATION 3498-3499 Link to 3498-3499
  • Tread gently. Nobody likes talking about money—especially if it means having to admit to their kids that they need help.

    LOCATION 3690-3691 Link to 3690-3691
  • Getting rich isn’t about one silver bullet or secret strategy. It happens through regular, boring, disciplined action. Most people see only the results of all this action—a winnable moment or an article in the press. But it’s the behind-the-scenes work that really makes you rich.

    LOCATION 3972-3973 Link to 3972-3973

    LOCATION 4166-4166 Link to 4166-4166
  • “You don’t get rich spending a dollar to save 30 cents!”

    LOCATION 4238-4239 Link to 4238-4239